Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Before and After: Mystical Lighting AutoFX

I have been testing out Mystical Lighting from Auto FX, and here is a before and after. This is a small change but I think makes a big impact.

I started out with this original picture. The exposure is correct to start with, no major problems like highlights blow out, or incorrect WB etc.

The second image is the enhanced version, subtle change, but I think it improved
to get the angelic look I was going after.

First, I slighly bumped up reds 8% since I like skin tones little on the redder side, I think that looks more natural. I used Mystical Lighting for the sparkle effect on the ball. I chose a preset, played with the placement and size, and viola. However, I have to admit that the processing of the plug in was quite slow, so go get yourself a cup of coffee. I am surprised that the plugin did not respond and had to restart occassionally.

Next I added light brush in Mystical ligting so her face is well lit. Applied a little soft effect in Photoshop. I noticed that the background was a little short on the original picture on the left side bottom corner. A quick clone tool fixed that problem. Dodged the edges so the subject grabs the attention. And unmask filter (sharpening) done in the end. A very subtle effect, and but I think it was worth it.

Would I want to be playing with all the lighting effects in Mystical Lighting again?
I do like some of the effects, although I think much can be done in Adobe PS itself and actions or filters in PS seem to be damn fast and reliable than using a plugin, and the plugin even from Auto FX crashed. So if it can be done without Plugin I do like to go that route..

There are some lighting effects, that it is worth a try in Mystical lighting if you don't mind the $199 price tag.

The pictures in a digital creation:

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